
Red is to Blue

Red is to Blue is a spoken word that I wrote.

"Red is to Blue" is a poem that I wrote two years ago. I was going through a tough time in my life when I didn't like the way I looked or felt about myself. I shortly learned that if you want to get anywhere in life, you MUST start with yourself. This poem is dedicated to every person who has ever felt like they are not beautiful, important, or special because you are.

It would be hypocritical of me to say that I am not insecure. We all are. It is in our nature to be insecure, however it is in our nature to be resilient. Once you have awakened your mind, you become aware that nothing is actually real. Take a moment to look at your hands. Stare at them…………and pause in the amazement of the simplicity in fingers. Now move yours fingers………Wiggle them and let nothing but energy infuse inside your palms.

Now breathe…..deep and hold….and until you can’t hold any longer…let go and exhale. Once you are grateful for that, then you have begun to understand how beautifully insane this human experience is. I am an artist and I understand that this state of being is in fact just a temporary “experience”. Therefore, everyday when I wake I up I am not complete unless I am submersed in my manifestations.

Want to Contact Jyoti?
Email: jyotikswamy@gmail.com