
Pull Da Trigga

Pull Da Trigga is a spoken word that I wrote.

Pull Da Trigga" is an original spoken word written for those who feel like they are meaningless, invisible, and alone. My goal is to show people that they are in fact more important than they think. This video shows that the act of voluntary physical harm to the self is wrong.

This video follows a young girl alone in the woods searching for a reason to live. As she sits in between life and death, she begins to second guess the decision to end her life. However, this contemplation was not strong enough to change her mind, as she decides to "pull da trigga".

However, fortunately things did not go in her favor because the gun was empty. She was not meant die because it was not her time. It was divine intervention. This was validation that she has more work to do and that she is important. We are all important and this world needs us. This poem was meant to show people that this world needs them. This world needs you.

Want to Contact Jyoti?
Email: jyotikswamy@gmail.com